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Remember Nassiriya : Appendete una bandiera ai vostri monitor Concert of the World: English Version

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 12 Concert of the World
 After the Rain...
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Inserito - 11/04/2003 :  12:48:11  Mostra Profilo  Visita la Homepage di Admin  Replica con Citazione Invia un Messaggio Privato a Admin

After the rain..

This evening I realized...

Usually after the rain I always saw rainbows rising, in the last period I saw several rainbows rising a little more...

even without rain...

they appeared to grow on the need of fathers who did not want to choose not to give a moral education to children who were growing with playstation and tv...

they appeared to be rainbows of one colour only, where infrared and ultraviolet changed into ultra red, a stadium fanaticism that had nothing to envy to similar one side extremism...

however this evening...

Listening to the radio, listening to the voices of so many people, a majority of the people, who at last said what they believed without the feeling to be a minority, confronted with a overbearing minority that only screamed louder, who painted their truth marching and burning flags...

This evening I had the joy to hear one people no more oppressed, in Italy, taking back again their right to declare their solidarity, without hidden purposes, with those who were suffering and to celebrate the return of democracy to an area, Iraq, and among a people where for too long a minority went on to scream more and more strongly, with the connivance of the minorities before silent...

Thank you Americans, Thank you British, Thank you to all those countries who did not put before politics to a hope for prosperity and paid a tribute of blood, with Iraq, for Iraq and for all of us.


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