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Remember Nassiriya : Appendete una bandiera ai vostri monitor Concert of the World: English Version

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 12 Concert of the World
 So she said
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Roberto Mahlab

2852 Inseriti
296 Gold
2457 Punti Rep.
Inserito - 26/10/2013 :  17:47:33  Mostra Profilo  Visita la Homepage di Roberto Mahlab  Replica con Citazione Invia un Messaggio Privato a Roberto Mahlab
When she appeared at my side
suddenly I didn't realize

All things begin one day
when we can not foresee the way
and only tell the story after the end
of what it could be and it was not

I didn't ask, I didn't expect
I was in battle with increasing noise
I was puzzled, but too forward
to feel a softer sound, a fragrance
quite far important
the true reason of the fight
of any man

And so she said :
"I saw you different in the darkness
the only one, a flame like mine
twinkling in search of wider light"

During the battle
and without ever wondering why
she was there
until I felt it natural
everytime a part of me
at first surprise, then sure and solid ground

One day I looked at my side
and she was no longer there
I felt the loss, a void in my soul, I told her
and I understood what I had to, on the very first day

And so she said :
"You did not lose me, it is only a moment
I was not mistaken about you
the only one sparkling in the darkness
and I have looked where you looked
now I need that others look at me
to find again my peace and quiet
and only then be back to fight
out of my war with feelings, all mine
to search for the lost time"

And I said I didn't want to fight for others
but just for her and as a woman
makes always the right choices
I had to respect her silence
because she heard my voice
even through the outside storm
and it was enough for me
even if it was not

So many times
so many men
wrote poems
for a lost love
when everything became past
faces even forgotten
two lights twinkling in the night
that could not avoid to meet

And my light fell in love
for her light
so clean and no hurdles
a dream born with me

I do not wish to be another poet
writing on a lost love
she said I did not lose her
"it is only a moment",
any long moment, I will wait.

Roberto Mahlab

(A Lovely Revolution)

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Tema Cuore (rossonero) infranto.
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