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Remember Nassiriya : Appendete una bandiera ai vostri monitor Concert of the World: English Version

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 12 Concert of the World
 The tales of Reves
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Roberto Mahlab

2869 Inseriti
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Inserito - 19/01/2002 :  19:02:16  Mostra Profilo  Replica con Citazione Invia un Messaggio Privato a Roberto Mahlab
That Saturday in the small synagogue of the community of Reves, after the prayer, the persons present were waiting for the traditional discussion with the rabbi of the congregation, Rav Oyvavvoy.
"Just imagine how hungry should have been Esau, he lost the right of primogeniture to Joseph and only for a dish of lentils..." Shlomo appeared to be dismayed, commenting the passage from the Bible with his friend Eliezer"...and while he filled his stomach, his brother became famous..." "But Shlomo, all this happened so long ago, why are you sorry now?"
"Because History appears to be a flow of umbalanced barters following one each other, do you remember my brother in law Avi?, during the party for the bar mitzva' of Reuven, he lost love for a dish of rice, he rose to get it for the woman he wanted to know and stayed in the queue for two hours and once he came back she was not there anymore because she believed not to be of interest to him...however, do you know what I think, Eliezer? In the past we brought to girls bunches of roses, the young men of today bring dishes of rice, I do not believe it is so romantic..."
"Romantics? And you men believe that yours is romanticism?" bursted out Elisheva, "I went to take back my David after three years and the first thing he said to me with the same dull expression of three years before when I left him was :"But explain to me, if I was your train, why before understanding it, you jumped on another wagon?" And I replied to him furiously :"Because I was waiting for you on the railroad since nine months and I began to think that you would have passed after the replacement of the trains by the spaceships!".
"Eh, yes, it is certain that the clock of women ticks in a way quite different from the clock of men..." the voice of Joseph made itself to be heard..."I remember Shmuel, the son of Rivka, he was madly in love with Ariela and, when she appeared, he played the equilibrist throwing and then grasping in the air three pink grapefruits...and when he became aware that she did not notice, he became sad and when it seemed to him that the clock had reached midnight, she came suddendly towards him and made him remark that it was only noon and he was confused, but he became a wise man and decided not to ask himself questions anymore...".
"I believe I am beginning to understand" the thunderous voice of the afflicted Avi was heard, "I have a watch which indicates the weather of the next day, but instead Leah asked me always only the time and I understood that she wanted to know at what time it would rain in the next day...and Leah left me...and I am continuing to ask to myself what is odd in my watch....""Maybe that she wanted only to know at what time you would have taken her from home..." shouted out Rachel.....
"Oh yes....the problem of the good jewish boys is that they think too much", said Rav Oyvavvoy "to put oneself problems, it is a mistake, for girls it is not interesting whether Yossi put himself with his head upside down for them on the top of the Mount Everest, it seems to him to impress them and to become the man for their life and he is really convinced that this is the greatest act of love, even forgetting to say to the one they want that they love her, but she thinks instead:"...but why he puts himself with the head upside down on the mount Everest, it is even dangerous, I would not like to be in the place of his girlfriend..." and she awaits then a man with his feet on the ground...well, to tell the truth also the good Gabriel would like to put himself with the head upside down for her on mount Everest, but there is no place for two people because already the poor Yossi is up there and therefore Gabriel can do nothing else than to go close to the girl with the air to excuse himself, believing to have deceived her, and she sees instead in him finally a true man, who will take her at least to dance, what's the matter with Everest! It is a misunderstanding which men and women should understand if they want to understand each other. Remember and so you will not repeat..."
"Oh yes, boys should remain silent while we girls, we have instead to have patience, right? and in the meantime they...think...bleah...." exploded Zippora losing her patience, throwing a glare of fire towards Solomon" oh yes, it is written that God created men and women...but it is not written in any place in the Bible that men should think, find for me a verse, even small, where it is written something of this kind! So my dear Solomon..." she went on angrily "when a girl invites you out and you, instead of running to her, stop and think, you put yourself against our Holy Law!!"
"Rabbi, rabbi..." protested Jonas "here we are revolutioning the theories which made our little people great...Freud, Einstein and so many great men, they thought about the development of the universe..." the rabbi interrupted him, smiling "yes...and they spoke about the universe even when a girl invited them for an icecream and this is the reason why we gave to the world so many thoughts and so few descendants..." he added staring annoyed to his small congregation.
"And you can look at Nathan, the son of Joseph..." sang the sweet Aviva..."..with his sad mood...Nathan...Nathan....listen, in the six days during which God created the world, he created also six doubles of the woman of your dreams whom you lost, have courage, you only have to show yourself, you will see...they will find you. Nathan! Now do not start to make accounts worrying about what it would happen if you meet all six of them and if you have to invite all six of them to dinner for the rest of your life!" She went on laughing at him"...Nathan, dear, make one step at a time and never think to what would happen if...and if...and if..."
"And finally, my dear friends, today you demostrated " intervened Rav Oyvavvoy "that men should not lose time in thinking, otherwise they finish like our Netzer there in the corner who thinks how he wished that she saw so many things and how he wishes to have understood in time how it was not so important for her to see them...and like the good boy Yossi who wanted to give her the world, while she only wanted the good boy Yossi".
Many young people of the congregation of the synagogue of Reves became aware that day that maybe they did not lose a trip to the seaside due to the rain.

Rav Oyvavvoy was never born and he never died, as the thought of the humanity. He spent his life near some place and his eyes saw everything but never enough and his merry spirit was remembered as the "memory of humanity".
Oyvavvoy in Hebrew means :"what a disaster" and it is pronounced bringing a hand to the mouth and opening wide the eyes, better if in the backstage it resounds scoffing the music of a violin.

(...from the "Tales of Reves")

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