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 dreams are...
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14 Inseriti
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Inserito - apr 02 2002 :  12:42:16  Mostra Profilo  Visita la Homepage di Stephy  Replica con Citazione Invia un Messaggio Privato a Stephy
Dreams are a big part of our lives
and you must do whatever it takes
to make them a Reality;
by the plans you make,
the course you take
and tha things you do.
Don't dwell on past mistakes,
leave yesterday behind,
along with all its problems,
worries and doubts.
Realize you can't change the past
but you can start a new tomorrow.
Don't try to do everything at once;
take one step at a time.
Don't even be afraid to try the impossible
no matter what others may think.
Remember you are Unique
in you own special way.
Don't even stop Dreaming!
Don't even stop wanting what's right for you!

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