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R A S S E G N A     A R G O M E N T I
Rebecca Neale Hello there! ,

My name is Rebecca and I am as you will guess English . I understand there are not many of us on this forum so I wont think its down to popularity if I get no replies!
I joined this site through my Italian friend ,Antonella (mircalla), who uses it alot.
I was born in Crawley, Sussex, England and have moved many times throughout my childhood through America, Canada, Southampton, Croydon(London)and to Cumbria only to finally now reside in Newcastle from attending University here. So really I am not "from" anywhere it would be fair to say i am a gypsy like my friends from Uni call me. That explains my common nickname "Gippo" however you can call me Becky.
I want to put my poetry, stories and artwork on this site for all to see and and I will hope to impress and encourage enjoyment.
Hope to hear from/speak to people soon.


(così sembrerà che ho capito tutto.... )


Sara! Hi Rebecca!
I'm Sara,I'm 17 years old and I come from Brescia(near Milan).I write in "Spazio scuola" with my school-friends.
I give you welcome to "CONCERTO DI SOGNI" and I hope that you will stay good like us.

sorry for my poor English..
bye for now

Renato Attolini As said the "great" Ophelia: WELCOME BECKY and NICE TO MEET YOU! My english language is not very good and for that reason excuse me for my mistakes. This is a good occasion to improuve it correspondig with you.I think that i can speak on name of all members of thi site giving you the WELCOME GIPPO AND THANK YOU because noe this is an international site. Bye Bye.

Renato Attolini Errori di battitura:
thi = this
noe = now

Rebecca Neale Thank you to those of you who have given me such a warm welcome to this forum. I agree it is exciting that the site is becoming international. I will endeavour to get many friends to join too so the English section can expand considerably.
ALso I would like to note that I feel very priveleged to have got my work on the home page, it is an homour and I hope to produce more work very soon.
Thank you all again,
Rebecca (Gippo)

Rebecca Neale note: homour+ honour Sorry! :-)

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